
Copy Paste in Tabs Navigator

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Have you fixed that copy paste issue in tabs navigator?

@ibnekhan - Can you be a bit more descriptive about what you're referring to here? Not sure I follow.

@ibnekhan - Can you be a bit more descriptive about what you're referring to here? Not sure I follow.

I have used this component in react native tabs and facing an issue in copy/paste selection.
Not able to select, copy or paste text in materialui textfield when i used inside tabs.
And this happens only on ANDROID, on iOS its working.

@ibnekhan have you tried this on a physical device not the simulator? I've noticed the copy/paste on an android simulator is rather fragile to the point where it's exhibited different behaviors from my computer to co-worker computers.

I'm assuming you're referring to react-navigation's tabNavigator and inside one of the tab stacks, a screen using a select field can't be copied/pasted. Is this correct?

Can you confirm that it's not working on an android device?


@petrogad Yes i have tested on physical devices and not able to copy/paste.
So far i have tested within react-navigation tabNavigator and facing that issue on android devices.

Curious, I'll see if I can spin up an example and look to see what can be done to solve it.
