
Add enkidevs curriculum

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Enki is a very good mobile app, similar in the idea to 30 seconds of knowledge - you learn a new API for a couple of minutes each day. Their curriculum is open-sourced here: A good idea would be to merge the content here to expand the range of covered topics.

@obrmao Hey, thank you so much for the tip. I guess I'll contact them and ask if they wouldn't mind me using their data. Thanks again!

Unfortunately, in order to use data from Enki, the application shouldn't accumulate any revenue. If I did that I wouldn't be able to support it anymore. My current goal is to assign as much time and resources as I can to development of this extension. This means unfortunately, that opt-ing out of donations from the extension would also mean that I can't afford its hosting or any further development. For now this issue will be closed but revisited in the future, once the extension is self-sustaining.