
plan to port to angular 17 ?

zucatti opened this issue · 17 comments

plan to port to angular 17 ?
ENate commented

Hi @zucatti . Do you want to port it to angular 17? I may contribute. I am not advanced in Angular but willing to use it too. So if the owner agrees, maybe we can do it?

This is definitely a good idea, I wonder if the owner are interested?

ENate commented

Hi @cgglyle any ideas on how to get hold of the owner or we can go it ourselves?

Hi @ENate

The owner doesn't look like he's updated any code in two years, it looks like the whole project is no longer being maintained, and I'm just a front-end beginner who was hoping to learn angular through the whole project, but it's a headache with version dependency issues and obsolescence.

@ENate And the commit log for this project has no valid information. E.g. update, wip, sadasdsa, fsfd...
It looks like the owner is not interested in writing detailed logs.

Hi Guys,

You can freely port this project to angular 17 if you want.... and you can open a PR for it, and I will review it and I can make you a contributor of this project.

"It looks like the owner is not interested in writing detailed logs."
What kind of detailed information do you need here? The "sadasdsa" commit was just "Initial commit"

ENate commented

Hi @petter-ka thanks for the template and getting back. So are we all ready to port this to angular 17?

Hi @petter-ka I actually took a look at the project and also trying to update it. It seems there are quite some changes especially with the Carbon Design system. My question is: Can you comment on the tailwind.css file in the assets folder? I do not know whether you customized the project using the entries in that file? I plan to open a PR for Angular 17 if I finalize the updates! Anyone is welcome to join. Thanks

Hi @MHipo ,

The tailwind.css is the original tailwind style file, because back then I did not make it to work with the standard way. So I just copy pasted it. Besides, you are right, the Carbon System is changed a lot.
You can free to open a PR, and I will check it if you want

Thank you