
Drag reorder of Prompt messages in the prompt editor

arielweinberger opened this issue · 3 comments


  • Add a drag handle for reach hat message (marked in red). Use the HolderOutlined Ant icon for this. This will be the handle for dragging, and will drag the entire message.
  • Use the react-beautiful-dnd NPM package to handle dragging and sorting.
  • Make sure to reflect the the new order in the Antd form used to manage message (check out this file). Then it will automatically be saved correctly on the back-end.
Screenshot 2023-10-14 at 11 47 05 AM

Please assign this issue to me

Good luck @adityapuri75

Hello @arielweinberger, i was able to implement drag and drop but the message can be dragged from anywhere within the message body. Dragging through the handle giving me some issues but i am trying to resolve that will update you here soon.