Does git repo correspond to the download version? Reproducible build?
knyipab opened this issue · 2 comments was updated 8 month ago, while seems to be updated 2 months ago. Does they correspond? What is the exact source to produce the current build of
Would you ever consider to the build more reproducible? Like nowadays we can use Github Actions, tags to do a release build, making the workflow more automated and transparent. Also, using tags to indicate version should definitely help it to be packaged in Linux distros. Currently only AUR package your software ( but that is a 2021 version.
Such a nice software should be promoted and be more easily available to broader audience.
Whoops, I forgot to do a push. I just did it.
I will look into your other comments. Using tags would be a good idea.
When tagging versions, you may do it along with the Github release feature and a workflow to automate the building and uploading the release binaries. This is an example from stirling-tools (a pdf webapp): Logs and records will be available on their actions page so it could be transparent and more reproducible. You can even program it to upload to your own website for each release. If that is the case, you will want to make use of repo secrets to store some passcodes.
You may make a workflow to build the app for every push. It's completely free for public repo. Example from stirling-tools: