
Figures in side margin

cassianorabelo opened this issue · 1 comments

Hello Friedrich.
Is there a way to tell the images placed on the side margin to "flow" to the top of the free space available on the side margin, instead of them getting placed where they appear in the text? Here is an example where an image's caption goes out of the page due to being placed where it appears in the text. In (a) is what is happening. (b) is what I would like.


This is how I'm placing images inside the margin:

	\captionof{figure}[My figure caption]{%
              This is the caption

On a similar issue, would it be possible to do that with citations as well? Instead of having them aligned to where they appear in the text?

Thank you.

Hi Cassiano, no I sadly do not know how to fix this. It's basically the same issue I mentioned in #1. If you know a fix for this, I would be very glad!