

Primary LanguagePython

Rdnzl, my meta-cv

Hi, my name is Florent Pastor. This is my meta-cv, which is a website coded with Django and Dart containing an interactive CV, but also a showcase of my skills with those two technologies.

Check it out on http://heymistertree.fr (website temporarily down), you will need to see it running to understand its code.

This document will walk you through the project, specifying which of my skills were used for its development.


I am used to the version control system Git.

Clarifications to understand how my skills are shown by this repo : All you can see, for now, is simply one branch with a few commits, including only one large where all the system is created. There is more : On my computer's repo, I have one other branch on which I developed the first version of the system. Around 20 commits were needed to complete the version, but since none of them except the last one represents interesting code, I decided not to publish them in public, and to rebase and compress them on the branch master in one big commit.

Also, my computer's repo has two remotes : origin, this GitHub repo, and private-origin, a repo stored on my BitBucket account that contains all the branches on my computer's repo. It allows me to save my work and to write code on other computers than mine.

In a future commit will also be expound my way of synchronising work between computers with that private git repo.

This website uses Django in a basic way. Two models, registered in the admin, linked together through another one and a few views responding, if called via Ajax, with JSON or with HTML.

If it is simple, I also believe it's a cleanly made, and easily extendable. In a future commit, the server will be more complex : It will be internationalized to work in French and English, will order its content in a more logical way and will generate a two minute tour of the CV based on a few #skills the user gave him. I have also planned to harvest some of the CV's data directly from my Doyoubuzz account via their API.


This is the first project I finish with Dart, the object oriented equivalent to Javascript. I made two objects that manage DOM elements that are provided to them on initialization :

  • The first one handle the state of the page (list of #skills/experiences linked to a skill)
  • The second one handle the Experience element : it updates its content by requesting data to the server, change to the next or close it when there is no more experience

The usage of CSS

The scripts linked to the page are only changing the content and the classes of the page's elements. The CSS is responsible of the design and the animations. I make use of a few of CSS3 novelties, including transitions, and the font is provided by Google. The website is responsive and works quite well on mobile.


Each content of the application has its URL. When navigating on the website, the URL is changed to match the content it is showing. Therefore, if you hit refresh or bookmark the link and open it later, it opens on the same content.