
Clean up

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Back then on 2013 it was named
It was doing the "tests"
Name changed on v2.2.0 the first attempt to rename because tests are done using pgtap
To its current name on v.3.0.0, final name that is not misleading on doing tests.
It kinda does "tests", basically what it does is it runs the queries used on the documentation and generates the results. So the results shown in the documentation are the results using the version of pgRouting, using PostgreSQL and PostGIS versions installed on the CI actions.
Because they are not tests, the name is not misleading, but it also helps to kinda do visual comparisons (testing).
The code needs:

  • to be cleaned
  • variables like $x have a meaningful name line `$file'
  • Flags that are not used, because we are not expecting this to be used in other operative systems, be removed.
$ tools/testers/ -h
Usage: -pgver vpg -pgisver vpgis -psql /path/to/psql
       -alg 'dir'          - directory to select which algorithm subdirs to test
       -pgver version      - postgresql version
       -pghost host        - postgresql host or socket directory to use
       -pgport port        - postgresql port to use
       -pguser username    - postgresql user role to use
       -dbname name        - Database name defaults to pgr_test__db__test
       -pgrver version     - pgrouting version. (Not all compares will pass)
       -psql /path/to/psql - optional path to psql
       -data               - only install the sampledata.
       -l(evel)  NOTICE    - client_min_messages value. Defaults to NOTICE. other values can be WARNING, DEBUG3, etc
       -c(lean)            - dropdb before running.
       -doc(umentation)    - ONLY generate documentation examples. LEVEL is set to NOTICE
       -v(erbose)          - verbose messages of the execution
       -h(elp)             - help

-v(erbose) is mainly used when having problems with the other flags
-doc(umentation) generates the results of the documentation queries
When this last flag is missing, then it does a visual compare (the kinda test)
To remove:

  • -pgisver will use the one installed with CASCADE
  • -force no longer allow to run queries on unsupported version
  • -dbg Use verbose instead
  • -debug Use verbose instead
  • -debug1 Use level instead
  • -ignorenotice NOTICES and CONTEXT are compared

Also cleanup the way the results are presented. for example:

tools/testers/ -alg docqueries/version
RUNNING: -alg docqueries/version
Operative system found: linux
 PostgreSQL 15.7 (Ubuntu 15.7-1.pgdg22.04+~20240524.0311.g8e16f81) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Ubuntu 11.4.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.4.0, 64-bit
(1 row)

 POSTGIS="3.3.3 2355e8e" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="150" GEOS="3.11.1-CAPI-1.17.1" PROJ="8.2.1" LIBXML="2.9.13" LIBJSON="0.15" LIBPROTOBUF="1.3.3" WAGYU="0.5.0 (Internal)"
(1 row)

 (3.7.0-dev,Debug,2024/05/28,pgrouting-3.7.0,Linux,"PostgreSQL 15.7 (Ubuntu 15.7-1.pgdg22.04+~20240524.0311.g8.0",GNU-12.3.0,1.74.0,44e8266f19)
(1 row)

Processing docqueries/version/	Run time: 0.212744	 PASS
Processing docqueries/version/	Run time: 0.212562	 PASS
$stats = {
           'RunTimeTotal' => '0.425306',
           'z_crash' => 0,
           'z_fail' => 0,
           'z_pass' => 2