
Can not send file to client!

tigermask1978 opened this issue · 0 comments

I am new to dispy.I have been try the example of sending file in "7.7. Sending Files to Client" of the official doc.The client program can be executed normally , but there is not any file in the client dir.Do I miss something?

`def compute(n):
import time
# assume that computation saves data in file n.dat
dispy_send_file(str(n) + '.dat') # send file to client
# ... continue further computations
return n

if name == 'main':
import dispy, random
cluster = dispy.JobCluster(compute)
jobs = []
for i in range(20):
job = cluster.submit(random.randint(5,20))
for job in jobs:
print('job %s results in file %s' % (, str( + '.dat'))`

Any help is appreciated!

My env is:
dispy: 4.11.0
OS: Win10 (I also tried in ubuntu,It's the same!)