Windows 11: Windows Defender & Smartscreen re-activate after reboot
Xaymar opened this issue · 4 comments
This might be due to changes from windows updates, will have a look in from my w11 machine when I get the chance to. Thanks for letting me know
For now I just excluded all my drives entirely from any scanning, which works for now. Not as good as no Windows Defender, but better than nothing.
✅ Still present
❌ Gone
- ❌
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Features\TamperProtection = 0
- ❌
SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\wscsvc\Start = 4
- ❌
SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\DisableAntiSpyware = 1
- ❌
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\StartupApproved\Run\SecurityHealth = 3b
- ✅
SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WinDefend\Start = 3
- ✅
SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Real-Time Protection\DisableRealtimeMonitoring = 1
Unsure how to check WMIC related changes. Seems like a TamperProtection of 0
is invalid on Windows 11, so it resets things related to it.
Edit: Found a way to make it stick after reboot/hibernate:
- Manually set TamperProtection to 0 using AdvancedRun from Nirsoft while MsMpEng is suspended.
- Reboot.
- Run this tool with the same AdvancedRun from Nirsoft.
- Reboot.
- Success-ish. Software that for no reason hooks into the Microsoft Defender engine, like Firefox, will still encounter a stutter.
Seems like Microsoft is finally done moving things around for now. The tool works again as expected, but there's now a 2nd on-access check for applications, which defaults to on. Turning it off as well appears to prevent this from occuring entirely.