
Sync Jira issues and Google Calendar events with e-conomic

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build status


These few files were created to help automatically pre fill Economic. Entries are based on Google Calendar events and JIRA tasks currently assigned to user and matching configurable filter. Duplicates are checked by looking at task description (Economic) so it's safe to run this command as many times a day as needed.


Make sure you have pip installed on your system by calling: sudo apt-get install -y python-pip

Once pip is installed run command below to install all required python libraries: sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

After that rename config.ini.dist to config.ini and update it with all required credentials for JIRA, Economic and Google API credentials from Google Developer Console.


Calling python run.py will create all economic entries for today. What's left is to update hours spent on each task in economic.

On first run you'll be asked to grant privileges to read your Google Calendars.

Due to application's limitations (see below) it advised to add new entry in crontab to make sure all tasks will be registered: 1 8-17 * * 1-5 root python /path/to/run.py >/dev/null 2>&1

Known limitations

  • adding JIRA tasks for day other than current is not supported (might be tricky),
  • adding Google Calendar events for day other than today is not supported (easy to implement)
  • time reported in JIRA is not exported to economic yet