
Question - What do all the rows in the shredder monitoring window mean?

Inkertus opened this issue · 2 comments

None of them appear to be labelled. I'm a Linux newb with no code experience so most of this is new to me. I can figure out a few of them like drive ID and data write rate, but the rest of them are a mystery to me, like ETA if that's even there. There does appear to be two time-formatted sections, but those don't count or read like the time...except the first one which I believe was the start time. I also couldn't find documentation about the info present in the monitor window. Can you explain them for me?

My apologies for taking forever and a day to get back to you.

The section I think you're talking about is

What's happening there is I run the command ps with flags aux. The resulting fields shown in the terminal will be based off of this commands output.

$ ps -aux -q 2003
user      2003  0.1  0.8 226912 10096 pts/1    S+   03:33   0:00 vim

I then pipe | the output from the ps aux through grep to specifically find the string shred. Only lines that match the grep will be output to the screen.

$ ps -aux -q 2003 | grep vim
user      2003  0.0  0.8 226912 10096 pts/1    S+   03:33   0:00 vim

Finally I use an extended grep to negate outputting lines that match either grep or delete. It's a fairly common occurrence when using grep that you'll pipe that directly to grep -v grep.

I hope this helps!

That helps a lot yes. This combined with a google search fills in most of the blanks.
So as I understand it...
User, ProcessID, %CPU_usage, % RAM_usage, VirtualMemSize, ResidentMemSize, TeleType???, StateOfOperation (R+ Running foreground, D+ foreground sleep), START (start time/day), TIME (time since start? doesn't appear to be a ETA as the # is too large), command vim (text editor?).
Thanks for the explanations!