
Can't get post id from URL

wailashraf71 opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm trying to get post id from URL using the example of media_detailed:


    $mediaDetailed = $api->getMediaDetailed($media);

but I get this response error:

Instagram\Exception\InstagramFetchException: Syntax error in file C:\xampp\htdocs\app\vendor\pgrimaud\instagram-user-feed\src\Instagram\Transport\AbstractDataFeed.php on line 61

#0 C:\xampp\htdocs\app\vendor\pgrimaud\instagram-user-feed\src\Instagram\Transport\JsonMediaDetailedDataFeed.php(21): Instagram\Transport\AbstractDataFeed->fetchJsonDataFeed('https://www.ins...')

any possible fast solutions?

This issue has been fixed, please update to 6.15.2

Amazing response thanks a lot!

Fix was made by @cleveng
He deserves kudos 🎉

Well .... after checking it, the problem still exists

This issue is still there.