How could I use this from a vue component
mika76 opened this issue · 1 comments
mika76 commented
so if my component has a circliful element
<div class="circle" :data-percent="percent">
how do I make it update once the component has been mounted?
I know this might be more of a vue.js question then circliful, but I tried just calling the $('.circle').circliful(circliful)
function and it seems to create a new circle and add it to the div every time it's called. So is there any way to just refresh it instead of create a new one?
mika76 commented
I ported it over to vue if anybody is interested:
It's not 100% exact but it's pretty close - the main difference is how the animation is done, but it was enough for what I needed. I hope someone can make use of it.