A role to authenticate to an OpenShift clusters with username and password to retrive an authentication token that can then be used with k8s* modules to interact with the kubernetes API and then logs out (revokes the authentication token).
Automation controller(Ansible Tower) does not currently have a native OpenShift credential type, but it does provide the ability to create custom Credential Types. The steps below show how to create a Custom Credential Type in Automation controller(Ansible Tower) to support storing the username and password used to authenticate with OpenShift. First a OpenShift Credential Type is created, and then a Credential is created using the new credential type which stores the username, password and host information.
- Navigate to Administration > Credential Types and add a new credential type.
- Name it OpenShift and add the following YAML in the Input Configuration:
- id: host
type: string
label: URL for accessing the API server
- id: username
type: string
label: Username for authenticating with the API server
- id: password
type: string
label: Password for authenticating with the API server
secret: true
- id: verify_ssl
type: boolean
label: Verify the API server's SSL certificates
- id: ca_certificate
type: string
label: CA certificate used to verify connection to the API server
multiline: true
- username
- password
- host
- Enter the below YAML in the Injector Configuration:
K8S_AUTH_HOST: '{{ host }}'
K8S_AUTH_PASSWORD: '{{ password }}'
K8S_AUTH_USERNAME: '{{ username }}'
K8S_AUTH_VERIFY_SSL: '{{ verify_ssl }}'
K8S_AUTH_SSL_CA_CERT: '{{ ca_certificate }}'
The Injector Configuration provides the ability to store the credential data input by the user on the Ansible Controller in a way that allows it to be later referenced by an Ansible playbook using environment vars, for example:
username: "{{ lookup('env','K8S_AUTH_USERNAME') }}"
password: "{{ lookup('env','K8S_AUTH_PASSWORD') }}"
host: "{{ lookup('env','K8S_AUTH_HOST') }}"
validate_certs: "{{ lookup('env','K8S_AUTH_VERIFY_SSL') | bool }}"
- Now create a credential using your custom credential type.
Role Variables
Example Playbook
- name: List Pods
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: false
- block:
- include_role:
name: ansible-role-openshift-username-password-auth
auth_action: login
- name: Get a list of all pods from any namespace
api_key: "{{ api_key }}"
kind: Pod
register: pod_list
- include_role:
name: ansible-role-openshift-username-password-auth
auth_action: logout