
Post-hoc Out-of-Distribution Detection

Primary LanguagePython

Post-hoc Out-of-Distribution Detection

Example directory structure:

├── code
├── data
│  ├── cifar10
│  │  ├── test
│  │  └── train
│  └── mnist
│     ├── test
│     └── train
├── weights
│  ├── cifar10
│  └── mnist
├── results
│  ├── plots
│  └── raw
└── README.md


Data Subsets

  • Run python3 split_data.py -d <dataset_name> -s <subset>
  • This creates a new dataset in the data/ directory with the name <dataset_name>_<ext> with only the data from the specified subset
  • For example, python3 split_data -d mnist -s "3,5,6,9" creates a new dataset mnist_3569 with only the specified classes

Training a Classifier Model

  • Add model definition to models
  • Change the model used in run_classifier.py
  • Run python3 run_classifier.py <dataset_name>
  • This saves the weights of the trained model in weights/<dataset_name> directory

OOD Scores

  • To add/modify a OOD score, add it as a function in scores.py

Pretrained Scoring

  • Change pretrained model path in test_ood.py
  • Run python3 test_ood.py -i <id_dataset_name> -o <ood_dataset_name> -s <score_name> -n <model_name> -m <model_metric> -e <model_epochs>
  • This saves scores for ID and OOD data as .npy files in results/raw

OOD Finetuning

  • Run python3 finetune_ood.py -i <id_dataset_name> -f <finetune_dataset_name> -n <model_name> -m <model_metric> -e <model_epochs>
  • This behaves like run_classifier.py and saves the model and the test predictions in the same way

Finetuning Losses

  • To add/modify a finetuning loss, add it as a nn.Module in losses.py

Plots and Metrics for OOD Detection

  • Run python3 analyze_scores.py -i <id_dataset_name> -o <ood_dataset_name> -s <score_name>
  • This saves the density plots for the scores in results/plots

Running on Colab

  • Create a Google Drive folder having the same root structure and upload the data
  • Add a colab notebook to this folder, mount drive
  • cd to created folder and run the .py scripts from notebook command line
  • Sync to and from Drive when needed


(This work was done as a course project for CS726: Advanced Machine Learning, Spring 2022, IIT Bombay)