
[NFR] Replace PHPDocs in ext/ with those generated by `zephir stubs`

sergeyklay opened this issue · 2 comments

From @SidRoberts on October 3, 2016 20:41

Using this method as an example:

 * Checks if a password hash is a valid bcrypt's hash
public function isLegacyHash(string passwordHash) -> boolean
    // ...

Instead of producing:

 * Checks if a password hash is a valid bcrypt's hash
PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Security, isLegacyHash) {

    // ...


Instead, it should be:

 * Checks if a password hash is a valid bcrypt's hash
 * @param string passwordHash
 * @return boolean
PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Security, isLegacyHash) {

    // ...


Copied from original issue: zephir-lang/zephir#1335

@SidRoberts Could you please explain a bit more. Do you mean Phalcon or Zephir project?

I'm closing this issue due to the lack of any reaction. I'll open it again if the need arises