
[BUG] Create table failed

yassinrais opened this issue · 4 comments

Runtime Error: Failed to create table 'subscription'. In 'SubscriptionMigration_1614549884490182' migration. DB error: SQLSTATE[42P01]: Undefined table: 7 ERROR: relation "" does not exist .



use Phalcon\Db\Column;
use Phalcon\Db\Index;
use Phalcon\Db\Reference;
use Phalcon\Migrations\Mvc\Model\Migration;

 * Class CompanyMigration_100
class CompanyMigration_100 extends Migration
     * Define the table structure
     * @return void
    public function morph()
        $this->morphTable('company', [
                'columns' => [
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_CHAR,
                            'default' => "uuid_generate_v4()",
                            'notNull' => true,
                            'size' => 36,
                            'first' => true
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_CHAR,
                            'notNull' => true,
                            'size' => 2,
                            'after' => 'id'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_VARCHAR,
                            'notNull' => true,
                            'size' => 100,
                            'after' => 'country_id'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_VARCHAR,
                            'notNull' => true,
                            'size' => 100,
                            'after' => 'name'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_TEXT,
                            'notNull' => false,
                            'after' => 'title'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_TEXT,
                            'notNull' => false,
                            'after' => 'logo'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_TEXT,
                            'notNull' => false,
                            'after' => 'description'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_TIMESTAMP,
                            'default' => "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
                            'notNull' => false,
                            'after' => 'externalurl'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_TIMESTAMP,
                            'default' => "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
                            'notNull' => false,
                            'after' => 'created_at'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_VARCHAR,
                            'notNull' => false,
                            'size' => 40,
                            'after' => 'updated_at'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_VARCHAR,
                            'notNull' => false,
                            'size' => 40,
                            'after' => 'created_ip'
                'indexes' => [
                    new Index('pk_company_id_0', ['id'], ''),
                    new Index('unq_company_country_id', ['country_id', 'name'], '')
                'references' => [
                    new Reference(
                            'referencedSchema' => 'deliveryapp',
                            'referencedTable' => 'country',
                            'columns' => ['country_id'],
                            'referencedColumns' => ['id'],
                            'onUpdate' => 'NO ACTION',
                            'onDelete' => 'NO ACTION'

     * Run the migrations
     * @return void
    public function up()


     * Reverse the migrations
     * @return void
    public function down()





use Phalcon\Db\Column;
use Phalcon\Db\Index;
use Phalcon\Db\Reference;
use Phalcon\Migrations\Mvc\Model\Migration;

 * Class CompanyMigration_100
class CompanyMigration_100 extends Migration
     * Define the table structure
     * @return void
    public function morph()
        $this->morphTable('company', [
                'columns' => [
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_CHAR,
                            'default' => "uuid_generate_v4()",
                            'notNull' => true,
                            'size' => 36,
                            'first' => true
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_CHAR,
                            'notNull' => true,
                            'size' => 2,
                            'after' => 'id'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_VARCHAR,
                            'notNull' => true,
                            'size' => 100,
                            'after' => 'country_id'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_VARCHAR,
                            'notNull' => true,
                            'size' => 100,
                            'after' => 'name'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_TEXT,
                            'notNull' => false,
                            'after' => 'title'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_TEXT,
                            'notNull' => false,
                            'after' => 'logo'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_TEXT,
                            'notNull' => false,
                            'after' => 'description'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_TIMESTAMP,
                            'default' => "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
                            'notNull' => false,
                            'after' => 'externalurl'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_TIMESTAMP,
                            'default' => "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
                            'notNull' => false,
                            'after' => 'created_at'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_VARCHAR,
                            'notNull' => false,
                            'size' => 40,
                            'after' => 'updated_at'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_VARCHAR,
                            'notNull' => false,
                            'size' => 40,
                            'after' => 'created_ip'
                'indexes' => [
                    new Index('pk_company_id_0', ['id'], ''),
                    new Index('unq_company_country_id', ['country_id', 'name'], '')
                'references' => [
                    new Reference(
                            'referencedSchema' => 'deliveryapp',
                            'referencedTable' => 'country',
                            'columns' => ['country_id'],
                            'referencedColumns' => ['id'],
                            'onUpdate' => 'NO ACTION',
                            'onDelete' => 'NO ACTION'

     * Run the migrations
     * @return void
    public function up()


     * Reverse the migrations
     * @return void
    public function down()





use Phalcon\Db\Column;
use Phalcon\Db\Index;
use Phalcon\Db\Reference;
use Phalcon\Migrations\Mvc\Model\Migration;

 * Class SubscriptionMigration_100
class SubscriptionMigration_100 extends Migration
     * Define the table structure
     * @return void
    public function morph()
        $this->morphTable('subscription', [
                'columns' => [
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_CHAR,
                            'notNull' => true,
                            'size' => 36,
                            'first' => true
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_CHAR,
                            'notNull' => false,
                            'size' => 36,
                            'after' => 'id'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_CHAR,
                            'notNull' => true,
                            'size' => 36,
                            'after' => 'plan_id'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_VARCHAR,
                            'notNull' => false,
                            'size' => 100,
                            'after' => 'company_id'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_TEXT,
                            'notNull' => false,
                            'after' => 'name'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_INTEGER,
                            'default' => "31",
                            'notNull' => true,
                            'size' => 1,
                            'after' => 'description'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_TIMESTAMP,
                            'default' => "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
                            'notNull' => true,
                            'after' => 'days'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_TIMESTAMP,
                            'default' => "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
                            'notNull' => true,
                            'after' => 'started_at'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_TIMESTAMP,
                            'notNull' => false,
                            'after' => 'ended_at'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_TIMESTAMP,
                            'default' => "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
                            'notNull' => true,
                            'after' => 'cancelled_at'
                    new Column(
                            'type' => Column::TYPE_TIMESTAMP,
                            'default' => "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP",
                            'notNull' => false,
                            'after' => 'created_at'
                'indexes' => [
                    new Index('pk_subscription_id', ['id'], ''),
                    new Index('unq_subscription', ['plan_id', 'company_id', 'started_at'], '')
                'references' => [
                    new Reference(
                            'referencedSchema' => 'deliveryapp',
                            'referencedTable' => 'company',
                            'columns' => ['company_id'],
                            'referencedColumns' => ['id'],
                            'onUpdate' => 'NO ACTION',
                            'onDelete' => 'NO ACTION'
                    new Reference(
                            'referencedSchema' => 'deliveryapp',
                            'referencedTable' => 'plan',
                            'columns' => ['plan_id'],
                            'referencedColumns' => ['id'],
                            'onUpdate' => 'NO ACTION',
                            'onDelete' => 'NO ACTION'

     * Run the migrations
     * @return void
    public function up()


     * Reverse the migrations
     * @return void
    public function down()



I think forging keys they will need to wait until all morphs tables endup in all migrations in one folder by order , after that , will excute all the forging keys in all migrations

@yassinrais It is another working approach, yes. But in DBs it is possible to temporary disable foreign keys, create structure and then re-enable them again. Unfortunately in pgsql it is slightly different and more complicated approach. By that it might be easier to generate new migrations without thinking how to ship them to the production.

It is partially possible to achieve it via enabled skip-foreign-checks option. Auto detect of foreign keys atm is not in our plans... Closing.