
Feature to discuss: configure list of actions to notify

jmgarnier opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Philip,

First, thanks for sharing your work :)

In our project, we find the notifications quite noisy. We are only interested in :deployed actions. I am wondering if you're open to add a new config parameter. Something like:

set :slackistrano, {
  channel: '#your-channel',
  actions: [:deployed]

That would be nicer to implement rather than to hack into rake / capistrano internals or monkey patch your gem.

@jmgarnier It's a nice idea, but I'm not going to do it, but...

The reason is that while it's reasonable I'll get other requests (and have) for other reasonable things and before long there will be a million options (which is what happened in the original version of this gem).

You can get the same result using custom messaging and for those actions you don't want have the method return nil. See for an example (which has some suppressed actions as well).

Makes sense! Thanks for the pointer, I missed it when I looked.