Setup fail
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Hello bạn, tôi setup thì báo lỗi dưới, dù đã cài đủ lib rồi
F:\PROJECT\vnquant-master>python install
F:\PROJECT\vnquant-master\ DeprecationWarning: Due to possible ambiguity, 'convert()' is deprecated. Use 'convert_file()' or 'convert_text()'.
read_md = lambda f: convert(f, 'rst')
for installation options
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "F:\PROJECT\vnquant-master\", line 33, in
File "F:\PROJECT\vnquant-master\", line 12, in
read_md = lambda f: convert(f, 'rst')
File "F:\PROJECT\Python3.9\lib\site-packages\", line 67, in convert
return convert_input(source, format, input_type, to, extra_args=extra_args,
File "F:\PROJECT\Python3.9\lib\site-packages\", line 256, in _convert_input
File "F:\PROJECT\Python3.9\lib\site-packages\", line 548, in _ensure_pandoc_path
raise OSError("No pandoc was found: either install pandoc and add it\n"
OSError: No pandoc was found: either install pandoc and add it
to your PATH or or call pypandoc.download_pandoc(...) or
install pypandoc wheels with included pandoc.
F:\PROJECT\vnquant-master>pip install pypandoc pandoc
Requirement already satisfied: pypandoc in f:\project\python3.9\lib\site-packages (1.5)
Requirement already satisfied: pandoc in f:\project\python3.9\lib\site-packages (1.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: pip>=8.1.0 in f:\project\python3.9\lib\site-packages (from pypandoc) (21.1.1)
Requirement already satisfied: setuptools in f:\project\python3.9\lib\site-packages (from pypandoc) (56.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: wheel>=0.25.0 in f:\project\python3.9\lib\site-packages (from pypandoc) (0.36.2)
Requirement already satisfied: ply in f:\project\python3.9\lib\site-packages (from pandoc) (3.11)
đã fix