
Create Packagist package

sebastianfeldmann opened this issue · 4 comments

We have to create a Packagist package phar-io/composer-distributor so we can actually install it and play around with the current state to see how it works in action ;)

phar-io/composer-distributor has been added to the package list, the repository will now be crawled.

The registration is apparently completed.

I added @sebastianfeldmann and @heiglandreas as co-maintainer.

@sebastianfeldmann: Not sure if your account on packagist is @sebastianfeldmann, the avatar is a fractal ;) Seems like it. At least the other projects listed fit ;)

Don't we also need a phar-io/mediator package? Otherwise people can't run composer create-project phar-io/mediator...

Wrong project ;)