
phive install fails with "cannot fork where.exe"

Closed this issue · 4 comments

[C:\Temp]phive install phploc
Phive 0.15.2 - Copyright (C) 2015-2024 by Arne Blankerts, Sebastian Heuer and Contributors
[ERROR] An error occurred while processing your request:

      exec(): Unable to fork [where.exe "gpg"]

      #0 src/shared/environment/Environment.php(48)
      #1 unknown file(0): PharIo\Phive\Cli\Runner->errorHandler()
      #2 src/shared/environment/Environment.php(48): exec()
      #3 src/shared/config/Config.php(130): PharIo\Phive\Environment->getPathToCommand()
      #4 src/Factory.php(382): PharIo\Phive\Config->getGPGBinaryPath()
      #5 src/Factory.php(375): PharIo\Phive\Factory->getGnupg()
      #6 src/Factory.php(368): PharIo\Phive\Factory->getGnupgSignatureVerifier()
      #7 src/Factory.php(361): PharIo\Phive\Factory->getPharDownloader()
      #8 src/Factory.php(329): PharIo\Phive\Factory->getPharService()
      #9 src/Factory.php(101): PharIo\Phive\Factory->getInstallService()
      #10 src/commands/CommandLocator.php(42): PharIo\Phive\Factory->getInstallCommand()
      #11 src/shared/cli/Runner.php(241): PharIo\Phive\CommandLocator->getCommand()
      #12 src/shared/cli/Runner.php(95): PharIo\Phive\Cli\Runner->execute()
      #13 (354): PharIo\Phive\Cli\Runner->run()
      #14 {main}

      Environment: PHP 8.3.7 (on Windows NT 10.0)
      Phive Version: 0.15.2

      This should not have happened and is most likely a bug.
      Please report it at, make sure you include
      the full output of this error message. Thank you!

[C:\Temp]which where.exe
where.exe ist ein externer Befehl: C:\WINDOWS\system32\where.exe

N.B. this is on Windows 10.

Interesting crash - one I fail to reproduce.

When googling the "Unable to fork" error for windows though, it makes it seem like there are permission issues for the user phive is running under to execute external processes.

I'm not sure how to address this. Do you have any special restrictions on your system? Running phive as a somehow restricted user for instance?

no, this is from a shell (cmd.exe) window, where I am running as my standard user, being admin. Actually this behaviour appears to be caused by my sh*tty antivir_etc program, Kaspersky - if I terminate that, phive runs without problem, gets the key, downloads and installs the phar. So, nothing to do for you ... sorry.

PS I found out that this is caused by a component of Kaspersky called "activity monitor", intended for ransomware protection, which with the default settings appears to prevent all fork()-like calls ! Now trying to find out how to change that...