
Update ADFACE template and vignette

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  • I would use convert_blanks_to_na() around the datasets at lines 32-37. - just so users are aware of this functions existence as most folks are going to read in sas datasets. You can also write a comment on the purpose of this function - see other admiral templates for examples. Then remove all these calls in later lines of this template
  • I would remove admiraldev, readxl, metatools as no functions are used in the template from those packages that I can tell
  • I would update the Input on Line 5 with the supps as well
  • Is the keep_vars object necessary? I'm not noticing any change in lines 212 adface versus lines 233 adface


  • In the sections deriving records the call to the functions is missing. Only the output dataset is displayed.
  • The final dataset contains many observations with missing PARAMCD. Is this intended?
  • What about a link to the CBER Guidelines?
  • I noticed the template and the vignette are not aligned. I would expect the code to be similar here?
  • Is the WARNING in "Derive severity records for Administration Site events" section intended to be displayed.
  • Are the supps being read in correctly? I see them in the template as data(supp_xxx) but in the vignette?
  • Please capitalize all Datasets and Variables and enclose with Backticks to be consistent with admiral Vignettes
  • The Derive direct mapping variables has the code hidden so you don't actually see the mapping done. Just the output of the code.
  • It looks like a lot of the code has echo = FALSE set so the user can not see the code making the intermediate dataset. Please udpate.
  • admiral's vignettes links out to the associated template at the bottom of the code. I think this convention should be followed in these vignettes as well.
  • When referencing functions in packages you should complete with () so then pkgdown will create a link to that function on the referernce page for that package. See line 371 of example of where () are missing.
  • It looks like the template is creating APERIOD but the Vignette is not. I think the Vignette should have this included.