
[Bug]: Possible bug with risk_diff (rtables/tern)?

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What happened?

I'm not sure about the calculation that is done without using risk_diff (when the option is available).
Here's an example:


adsl <-
adae <-

# Output Table
risk_diff <- list(arm_x = "B: Placebo", arm_y = "A: Drug X") # optional
make_table_06(adae = adae, alt_counts_df = adsl, risk_diff = risk_diff)
make_table_06(adae = adae, alt_counts_df = adsl)

The output without using risk_diff does not seem to be right (to me). Got 104 SAE over 134 participants in A: group: i don't think the percentage shoult be 85.2%. When using risk_diff, the percentage is 77.6% (seems correct).

The output is displayed below.

Did I miss something? If it's a bug I could help to find the cause.


No response

Relevant log output

> library(falcon)
> library(dplyr)
> packageVersion("falcon")
[1] ‘> 
> adsl <-
> adae <-
> # Output Table
> risk_diff <- list(arm_x = "B: Placebo", arm_y = "A: Drug X") # optional
> make_table_06(adae = adae, alt_counts_df = adsl, risk_diff = risk_diff)
                                                                       A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination   Risk Difference (%) (95% CI)
Event                                                                   (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)                 (N=268)           
SAE                                                                   104 (77.6%)   101 (75.4%)     99 (75.0%)          -2.2 (-12.4 - 7.9)     
  SAEs with fatal outcome                                             76 (56.7%)    70 (52.2%)      75 (56.8%)          -4.5 (-16.4 - 7.4)     
  Life-threatening SAEs                                                9 (6.7%)      13 (9.7%)      19 (14.4%)           3.0 (-3.6 - 9.5)      
  SAEs requiring hospitalization                                      24 (17.9%)    28 (20.9%)      30 (22.7%)          3.0 (-6.5 - 12.4)      
  SAEs resulting in substantial disruption of normal life functions   28 (20.9%)    21 (15.7%)      23 (17.4%)          -5.2 (-14.5 - 4.0)     
  Congenital anomaly or birth defect                                  26 (19.4%)    27 (20.1%)      20 (15.2%)          0.7 (-8.8 - 10.3)      
  Other                                                               30 (22.4%)    37 (27.6%)      32 (24.2%)          5.2 (-5.1 - 15.6)      
AE leading to permanent discontinuation of study drug                 27 (20.1%)    26 (19.4%)      30 (22.7%)          -0.7 (-10.3 - 8.8)     
AE leading to dose modification of study drug                         71 (53.0%)    86 (64.2%)      83 (62.9%)          11.2 (-0.5 - 22.9)     
  AE leading to interruption of study drug                             4 (3.0%)      4 (3.0%)        3 (2.3%)            0.0 (-4.1 - 4.1)      
  AE leading to reduction of study drug                               46 (34.3%)    46 (34.3%)      51 (38.6%)          0.0 (-11.4 - 11.4)     
  AE leading to dose delay of study drug                              20 (14.9%)    28 (20.9%)      30 (22.7%)          6.0 (-3.2 - 15.1)      
  Other                                                               34 (25.4%)    48 (35.8%)      46 (34.8%)          10.4 (-0.5 - 21.4)     
Any AE                                                                122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)           0.7 (-6.0 - 7.5)      
  MILD                                                                 7 (5.2%)      9 (6.7%)        4 (3.0%)            1.5 (-4.2 - 7.2)      
  MODERATE                                                            24 (17.9%)    24 (17.9%)      23 (17.4%)           0.0 (-9.2 - 9.2)      
  SEVERE                                                              91 (67.9%)    90 (67.2%)      93 (70.5%)         -0.7 (-12.0 - 10.5)     
> make_table_06(adae = adae, alt_counts_df = adsl)
                                                                       A: Drug X    B: Placebo    C: Combination
Event                                                                   (N=134)       (N=134)        (N=132)    
SAE                                                                   104 (85.2%)   101 (82.1%)     99 (82.5%)  
  SAEs with fatal outcome                                             76 (62.3%)    70 (56.9%)      75 (62.5%)  
  Life-threatening SAEs                                                9 (7.4%)     13 (10.6%)      19 (15.8%)  
  SAEs requiring hospitalization                                      24 (19.7%)    28 (22.8%)      30 (25.0%)  
  SAEs resulting in substantial disruption of normal life functions   28 (23.0%)    21 (17.1%)      23 (19.2%)  
  Congenital anomaly or birth defect                                  26 (21.3%)    27 (22.0%)      20 (16.7%)  
  Other                                                               30 (24.6%)    37 (30.1%)      32 (26.7%)  
AE leading to permanent discontinuation of study drug                 27 (22.1%)    26 (21.1%)      30 (25.0%)  
AE leading to dose modification of study drug                         71 (58.2%)    86 (69.9%)      83 (69.2%)  
  AE leading to interruption of study drug                             4 (3.3%)      4 (3.3%)        3 (2.5%)   
  AE leading to reduction of study drug                               46 (37.7%)    46 (37.4%)      51 (42.5%)  
  AE leading to dose delay of study drug                              20 (16.4%)    28 (22.8%)      30 (25.0%)  
  Other                                                               34 (27.9%)    48 (39.0%)      46 (38.3%)  
Any AE                                                                122 (91.0%)   123 (91.8%)    120 (90.9%)  
  MILD                                                                 7 (5.2%)      9 (6.7%)        4 (3.0%)   
  MODERATE                                                            24 (17.9%)    24 (17.9%)      23 (17.4%)  
  SEVERE                                                              91 (67.9%)    90 (67.2%)      93 (70.5%)