
Table 3 - Patient Screening and Enrollment, Trials A and B

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Table 3 provides an example of how screening and enrollment data should be displayed.


Reference: FDA-2022-N-1961-0002_attachment_1 on page 14.


Patient Screening and Enrollment, Trials A and B

Analysis Datasets


When using data from the scda package, please use datasets with archive_name set to "rcd_2022_10_13".

Analysis Filtering

The populations should be defined as follows:

  • Screened population: All patients screened for entry into the trial
  • Enrolled population: All patients who signed a consent form for participation in the trial
  • Randomized population: All patients randomized to a treatment arm; often referred to as the intention-to-treat population
  • If screening failure data are available, provide reasons for screen failure, such as “patient noncompliance,” “consent withdrawn,” “inclusion/exclusion criteria not met,” “other.” Request breakdown of “inclusion/exclusion criteria not met” and “other,” because understanding reasons for screen failure can be informative to assess the generalizability of the trial.

Column Variable


Additional Notes


  • Table Function: Create R/fda-table_03.R file with your table-generating function.
  • Roxygen Documentation: title, @details, document all parameters, @return, @examples, @export.
  • Tests: Create tests/testthat/test-table_XX.R file with tests for the table function and then run these tests.
  • Quarto Template: Create quarto/table-templates/template-table_03.qmd file your table template.
  • Screenshot: Add table screenshot as table_03.png to the quarto/assets/images/screenshots folder.
  • _quarto.yml: Add template to the "Template Library" section of the _quarto.yml file.
  • Template Index: Run quarto/assets/generate-template_index.R script to update the template index.
  • NEWS: Update