
[New Table]: Table 15, 16, 17 and 18

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Table Layout & Design





Please refer to page 22 of the FDA guideline document for more details.

Table Description

Table 15. Patients With Adverse Events by Male-Specific FDA Medical Query (Narrow) and Preffered Term, Male Safty Population, Pooled Analyses
Table 16. Patients With Adverse Events by Male-Specific FDA Medical Query (Broad) and Preffered Term, Male Safty Population, Pooled Analyses
Table 17. Patients With Adverse Events by Female-Specific FDA Medical Query (Narrow) and Preffered Term, Female Safty Population, Pooled Analyses
Table 18. Patients With Adverse Events by Female-Specific FDA Medical Query (Broad) and Preffered Term, Female Safty Population, Pooled Analyses

Analysis Datasets


When using data from the scda package, please use datasets with archive_name set to "rcd_2022_10_13".

Analysis Filters

Safety population: SAFFL == "Y"

Additional Information

No response

Developer To Dos

  • Table Function: Create R/fda-table_XX.R file with your table-generating function.
  • Roxygen Documentation: title, @details, document all parameters, @return, @examples, @export.
  • Tests: Create tests/testthat/test-table_XX.R file with tests for the table function and then run these tests.
  • Quarto Template: Create quarto/table-templates/template-table_XX.qmd file your table template.
  • Screenshot: Add table screenshot as table_XX.png to the quarto/assets/images/screenshots folder.
  • _quarto.yml: Add template to the "Template Library" section of the _quarto.yml file.
  • Template Index: Run quarto/assets/generate-template_index.R script to update the template index.
  • NEWS: Update