
Feature request: Implementing other tests for p-value

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I'm curious if other tests such as weighted log-rank, generalized Wilcoxon, Peto-Peto m.m. can be implemented in the add_p function similar to ggsurvplot.
A reference for example:

Or is this already implemented and I've failed to locate the help texts? :)

All the best,

We have little wrappers for p-values calculated with survival::survdiff() via add_p(), which includes some of the tests you list above.

The real beauty of this pkg, however, is that is integrates with fully with ggplot, so you don't need the package to implement anything for you. You can just calculate a p-value and add it as a caption or place it in the plot, or put it wherever, using the ggplot functions. Here are some examples placing p-values on the figure: