
combine_supp: Can't join on `x$DSSEQ` x `y$DSSEQ` because of incompatible types.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

bms63 commented

Hey Christina,

I was using derive_var_suppqual from admiral previously and this was nice QoL for joining the datasets together, i.e. changing the supp --seq to numeric so I can merge them together. I think this is the code that was previously used in derive_var_suppqual to do this. Do you have time to make this update? I can tinker with it if necessary.


Here is the error I am getting from the funcion.

combine_supp(ds, suppds)
Error: Can't join on x$DSSEQ x y$DSSEQ because of incompatible types.
x$DSSEQ is of type >.
y$DSSEQ is of type >.

This has been fixed in main but there isn't a rerelease to CRAN yet as it is the only issue that has come through. But if you install from main this will work