
General Issue: Move any test data in {admiralvaccine} to {admiraldata}

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Background Information

Prefix: vaccine_<dataset>.
{admiralvaccine} contact: Neetu Sangaru @neetusan .

Definition of Done

  • SDTM contents of data folder of {admiralvaccine}, as well as any relevant files in dev folder in copied over to same locations in {pharmaversesdtm}.
  • New datasets catalogued in data.R.

For this one, may have to wait until first release of {admiralvaccine}.

kaz462 commented

should we wait until the following issue is resolved?

@ahasoplakus do you have bandwidth to cover this, please?

@ahasoplakus do you have bandwidth to cover this, please?

Hi @manciniedoardo Please review the PR linked with this issue #74