
Stream video as series of frames (image buffers)

benwiley4000 opened this issue · 4 comments

I think my problem might be slightly similar to #1 but I want to stream a video and get each frame as a buffer, as it becomes available.

Is this possible without the "frame" event mentioned in the todo list?

phaux commented

You have to set output format to mjpeg and then split the stream manually by looking at the bytes. You can implement a transform stream which does this:

const {Transform} = require('stream')
class ExtractFrames extends Transform {
  constructor(delimiter) {
    super({readableObjectMode: true})
    this.delim = Buffer.from(delimiter, 'hex')
    this.buffer = Buffer.alloc(0)
  _transform(data, enc, cb) {
    // Add new data to buffer
    this.buffer = Buffer.concat([this.buffer, data])
    while (true) {
      const start = this.buffer.indexOf(this.delim)
      if (start < 0) break // there's no frame data at all
      const end = this.buffer.indexOf(this.delim, start + this.delim.length)
      if (end < 0) break // we haven't got the whole frame yet
      this.push(this.buffer.slice(start, end)) // emit a frame
      this.buffer = this.buffer.slice(end) // remove frame data from buffer
      if (start > 0) console.error(`Discarded ${start} bytes of invalid data`)

And then use it like that:

const conv = ffmpeg()
conv.output({f: 'image2pipe', vcodec: 'mjpeg'})
  .pipe(new ExtractFrames('FFD8FF')) // use jpg magic number as delimiter
  .on('data', frame => /* do things with frame */)
  .on('end', () => /* do things on complete */)
  .on('error', () => /* do things on error */)
phaux commented

I added this question to the FAQ in README. Closing.

oste commented

@phaux I tested this solution with the attached matroska file and it is only outputting 738 frames instead of 739 that you can see in the debug output

ffmpeg-stream log: frame= 739 fps=108 q=24.8 Lsize= 18109kB time=00:00:29.56 bitrate=5018.7kbits/s speed=4.33x +0ms

Do you have any ideas what might be causing this?

phaux commented

@oste You would need to add the _flush method to ExtractFrames, which emits the last frame. _transform only emits a frame when it sees the beginning of the next frame so it will always skip the last one.