
Flood control ??

flip111 opened this issue · 3 comments

Does this bot implement some kind of flood control? Doesn't seem so because i got these messages

2015-11-29 11:03:14 DEBUG mybot! :mybot! QUIT :Excess Flood []
2015-11-29 11:03:14 DEBUG mybot! ERROR :Closing Link: (Excess Flood) []

Also the bot doesn't seem to reconnect after this happens

Please give more info in your reports. We need to know what you were doing. Post more of the log so we can see what the bot was seeing and / or responding to.

There is nothing we're doing in the core to prevent you from flooding. This is something that plugins should manage themselves IMHO.

If we want to build in flood protection IMHO it should be done via a new plugin or possibly the client. Would be open to suggestions.