
--noTSC isn't respected everywhere

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Discovered in #1459, --noTSC isn't respected everywhere. Test running a build with --noTSC and see that some tsc are skipped but some are run.

~/phet/root/buoyancy$ time grunt --brands=phet,phet-io --noTSC
Running "lint-all" task
[........................................] 100.00%

Running "report-media" task

Running "clean" task

Running "build" task
Building runnable repository (buoyancy, brands: phet, phet-io)
Building brand: phet
>> Webpack build complete: 2610ms
>> Production minification complete: 13635ms (5492392 bytes)
>> Debug minification complete: 0ms (33401768 bytes)
Building brand: phet-io
>> Webpack build complete: 2392ms
>> Production minification complete: 14446ms (5510917 bytes)
>> Debug minification complete: 15053ms (5825432 bytes)
>> tsc complete: 1717ms
>> tsc complete: 1735ms


real	1m45.253s
user	1m44.511s
sys	0m12.334s