
FaMB 'right' string has default value of "left"

liammulh opened this issue · 4 comments

In phetsims/rosetta#387, @oliver-phet wrote:

This may just be an old unused string, but one translator already wrote in about it:

It seems the sim uses rightForce and leftForce. If there is another use for these strings, it should be corrected, if not can these be removed?

(Logging in Rosetta because I want to ensure this isn't a Rosetta issue before assigning to the sim dev)

Then I replied:

I just got the strings from the published sim (

FAMB Strings
  "en": {
    "JOIST/credits.contributors": "‪Contributors: {0}‬",
    "JOIST/credits.graphicArts": "‪Graphic Arts: {0}‬",
    "JOIST/credits.leadDesign": "‪Lead Design: {0}‬",
    "JOIST/credits.qualityAssurance": "‪Quality Assurance: {0}‬",
    "JOIST/credits.softwareDevelopment": "‪Software Development: {0}‬",
    "JOIST/": "‪Team: {0}‬",
    "JOIST/credits.thanks": "‪Thanks‬",
    "JOIST/credits.title": "‪Credits‬",
    "JOIST/credits.translation": "‪Translation‬",
    "JOIST/termsPrivacyAndLicensing": "‪Terms, Privacy & Licensing‬",
    "JOIST/": "‪Translation Credits‬",
    "JOIST/": "‪Third-party Credits‬",
    "JOIST/updates.upToDate": "‪This simulation is up to date.‬",
    "JOIST/updates.outOfDate": "‪New version available‬",
    "JOIST/updates.checking": "‪Checking for updates…‬",
    "JOIST/updates.offline": "‪Unable to check for updates.‬",
    "JOIST/updates.newVersionAvailable": "‪There is a new version available: {0}.‬",
    "JOIST/updates.yourCurrentVersion": "‪Your current version is: {0}.‬",
    "JOIST/updates.getUpdate": "‪Get Update…‬",
    "JOIST/updates.noThanks": "‪No Thanks‬",
    "JOIST/versionPattern": "‪version {0}‬",
    "JOIST/options.title": "‪Options‬",
    "JOIST/menuItem.options": "‪Options…‬",
    "JOIST/menuItem.about": "‪About…‬",
    "JOIST/menuItem.mailInputEventsLog": "‪Mail Input Events Log‬",
    "JOIST/menuItem.outputInputEventsLog": "‪Output Input Events Log‬",
    "JOIST/menuItem.phetWebsite": "‪PhET Website…‬",
    "JOIST/menuItem.reportAProblem": "‪Report a Problem…‬",
    "JOIST/menuItem.screenshot": "‪Screenshot‬",
    "JOIST/menuItem.fullscreen": "‪Full Screen‬",
    "JOIST/menuItem.getUpdate": "‪Check for Updates…‬",
    "JOIST/menuItem.submitInputEventsLog": "‪Submit Input Events Log‬",
    "JOIST/keyboardShortcuts.title": "‪Keyboard Shortcuts‬",
    "JOIST/simTitleWithScreenNamePattern": "‪{{simName}} — {{screenName}}‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/speed": "‪Speed‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/pause": "‪Pause‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/goButton.description": "‪Select to start pullers.‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/pauseButton.description": "‪Select to pause pullers.‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/return": "‪Return‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/blueWins": "‪Blue Wins!‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/redWins": "‪Red Wins!‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/leftSideWins.description": "‪Left side wins.‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/rightSideWins.description": "‪Right side wins.‬",
    "SCENERY_PHET/": "‪Reset All‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/sumOfForces": "‪Sum of Forces‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/values": "‪Values‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/pattern.0valueUnitsN": "‪{0}N‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/sumOfForcesEqualsZero": "‪Sum of Forces = 0‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/leftForce": "‪Left Force‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/rightForce": "‪Right Force‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/netForce.description": "‪Forces and Motion Basics. There is a heavily loaded cart on wheels sitting on a track. Attached to the left side of the cart is a thick rope with 4 knots spaced equally along the rope. Standing near this knotted rope is a group of 4 puller people. On the opposite side of the cart, a similar rope with 4 knots is attached to the right side of the cart. There is another group of 4 puller people standing near this rope. The centre position of the cart has been marked on the ground.‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/bluePullerGroup.description": "‪Left pullers. Select Enter to choose and place pullers on the rope.‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/redPullerGroup.description": "‪Right pullers.  Select enter to choose and place pullers on the rope.‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/left": "‪left‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/right": "‪left‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/group": "‪Group‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/puller": "‪puller‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/pattern.0massUnitsKilograms": "‪{0} kg‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/appliedForce": "‪Applied Force‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/frictionForce": "‪Friction Force‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/pattern.0name.1valueUnitsVelocity": "‪{0} m/s‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/acceleration": "‪Acceleration‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/force": "‪Force‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/forces": "‪Forces‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/masses": "‪Masses‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/friction": "‪Friction‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/lots": "‪Lots‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/none": "‪None‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/motion.leftItemGroup.description": "‪Press enter to activate left object bin. A refrigerator and a wooden crate are in this object bin.‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/motion.rightItemGroup.description": "‪Press enter to activate right object bin. A girl, a man, a trash can, and a mystery box are in this object bin.‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/pattern.0name.1valueUnitsAcceleration": "‪{0}: {1} m/s<sup>2</sup>‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/pattern.0valueUnitsNewtons": "‪{0} newtons‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/forces-and-motion-basics.title": "‪Forces and Motion: Basics‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/netForce": "‪Net Force‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/motion": "‪Motion‬"

If you scroll down a bit, you see:

    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/left": "‪left‬",
    "FORCES_AND_MOTION_BASICS/right": "‪left‬",

So I don't think this is an issue with the translation utility.

It looks like @jessegreenberg is the responsible dev for FAMB. I am going to transfer this issue and remove my assignment. If anyone needs anything please re-assign me.

This was originally reported by a translator back in #255.

Those keys do not exist in master so presumably a maintenance release removing them or adding visible: false (from #298 and phetsims/rosetta#68) would hide them.

Discussed with @liammulh over slack. If phetsims/rosetta#68 is done, it should automatically fix this. They are already marked as visible: false in the release branch.


If that issue doesn't work out we can remove the strings. @liammulh mentioned he might patch rosetta in the next week or so Ill return to this issue then.

I checked with @jessegreenberg and this seems already fixed. Closing