
Feature request: semantic token highlighting

Opened this issue · 3 comments

A big feature request :) The latest Neovim 0.9.0 release added support for semantic token highlighting. It would be amazing to see them in Zenburn, although I understand that probably requires us taking a bit of artistic license since the OG zenburn simply wasn't designed with this in mind.

Would you be willing to accept a PR for this?

phha commented

I would most definitely accept a PR for this, this is Zenburn for the modern age after all. Only caveat is I want to avoid adding more colours if at all possible so I would prefer using the palette that is already available plus modifiers like bold etc.

I was wondering what this means. I found this help page here, maybe it can be useful

Here is also what seems to be a reference implemetation issue savq/melange-nvim#60