
createTab with multiple URLs no longer works in 1.62

kinclma1 opened this issue · 5 comments

After updating to 1.62, pressing a keybind to open multiple URLs with createTab opens just the first one.
Chrome version: 63.0.3239.84
FF version: 58.0b11
Vimium version: 1.62

Confirmed. Fixed in 4aa8d7f.

Edit. Pushed to Chrome Store as 1.62.2.

Thank you very much!

Git tag 1.62.2 works fine, but 1.62.2 from the store doesn't.

I think you might be right. I've somehow uploaded a version without the fix.

Should be fixed now in 1.62.4 (I manually examined the JS being uploaded!).

Works fine now, thanks again.