
Youtube video shows up blurry in Zen browser

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I installed zen
Installed some extensions
Opened youtube
Put on a video
Shows up blurry, sound plays just fine
Pre-roll ad plays perfectly fine

I looked around and found that turning off DNS-over-HTTPS would help
problem continues

I installed uBlock Origin, thinking that might help
problem continues

I disabled all extensions and everything was fine, then I enabled Vimium and the problem came back

To Reproduce

Enable the Vimium extension, problem appears
Disable the Vimium extension, problem disappears

Here's what it looks like,
as you can see the video is a blur but the timeline view shows up clear as day
i have no idea what's happening?


Browser and Vimium version

Zen Browser: 1.0.0-a.29
OS: Windows_NT 10.0 22621
Vimium: 2.1.2

That is very odd. Unfortunately, there probably isn't much we can do to help. Does uninstalling all addons fix the problem? When you reinstall/enable Vimium by itself (no other addons) does the problem occur?

It looks like the video is completely gone. YouTube currently gives you a blurred background that reflects the colors in the video, and I think that is what you are seeing. So you would need to figure out why the video has disappeared (not why it's blurry, because you are seeing the player background the way it was intended).