philcryer/lipsync clears user's entire crontab

kvz opened this issue · 2 comments

kvz commented clears user's entire crontab

this is fixed, as per this commit:

(crontab -l; echo "$newcronjob") | crontab -u $username - #list crontab, read entry from crontab, add line from stdin to crontab


This still happens if is run as root. This is because it sets the target user's crontab to the current user's crontab with the line appended. The target user's contab may disappear or otherwise be modified in unexpected ways if the current user is root.

(crontab -l; echo "$newcronjob") | crontab -u $username - #list crontab, read entry from crontab, add line from stdin to crontab

should therefore be

(crontab -u $username -l; echo "$newcronjob") | crontab -u $username - #list crontab, read entry from crontab, add line from stdin to crontab