NetatmoConnectionProvider not included in NuGet
Closed this issue · 4 comments
First of thanks a lot for your work and effort.
I added the nuget and followed the readme in order to get the first results.
It looks like the NetatmoConnectionProvider is not included in the Nuget.
var netatmoConnProvider = new NetatmoConnectionProvider()
I included the following namespaces and it should be included in .Network if I'm right?
@using PhilipDaubmeier.NetatmoClient
@using PhilipDaubmeier.NetatmoClient.Model.Auth
@using PhilipDaubmeier.NetatmoClient.Model.WeatherStation
@using PhilipDaubmeier.NetatmoClient.Model.Core
@using PhilipDaubmeier.NetatmoClient.Model.HomeData
@using PhilipDaubmeier.NetatmoClient.Network
Could you please check?
It is included, and yes your includes seem correct as well. However, the NetatmoConnectionProvider constructor requires a NetatmoAuth object. Sorry, I have to adjust the example here - it has the same mistake.
Thanks, I imported all files in my project and it seems to work now. Indeed, it needs it:
var AuthData = new NetatmoAuth("user", "pswd");
var netatmoConnProvider = new NetatmoConnectionProvider(AuthData)
However, I still think the nuget is not the latest build?
Your absolutely right - I checked the nuget release date and looked back at the git history, the NetatmoConnectionProvider Default implementation was not included there yet.
I just released a new version 1.3.0 of the nuget package with the latest code revision and updated the example code.
Thanks for pointing it out!
Great! Thank you. Case closed