
在关系数据库中存储分层的,结构化的数据: MySQL存储过程实现


Closure Table

This is a mysql store procedure and trigger implementation of closure table in RDBMS about hierarchy data model.

Closure Table Node Paths

Closure Table Node Paths

Query the subtree nodes

Query the subtree nodes


  • Automatically add new paths relationship information between ancester and descendant nodes when you insert node to table prefix_nodes
  • Automatically update(DELETE old paths and INSERT new paths) paths relationship information when you update the parent_id column of prefix_nodes table if the new value parent_id if different(This means move a node/subtree to a new parent node)
  • A store procedure that is used to select a whole subtree by a node_id (if the node_id has descendant)


  • prefix_nodes_add_new_paths_after_insert The trigger is execute when insert a node into prefix_nodes table, and call p_prefix_nodes_add_new_paths_after_insert to add new paths info.

  • prefix_nodes_move_old_paths_after_update: The trigger is execute when update the parent_id column of prefix_nodes table only if OLD.parent_id != NEW.parent_id

Store Procedures

It's very clear of means just like the name of the procedures.

  • p_prefix_nodes_add_new_paths_after_insert(param_node_new_id INT UNSIGNED,param_node_parent_id INT UNSIGNED)

    Add new paths when insert a node to prefix_nodes table

  • p_prefix_nodes_get_subtree_by_node_id(node_id INT UNSIGNED)

    Get subtree by a node id

  • p_prefix_nodes_move_old_paths_after_update(node_old_parent_id INT UNSIGNED,node_new_parent_id INT UNSIGNED)

    Update paths when move a node to a new parent node

  • p_prefix_nodes_delete_nodes(node_id INT UNSIGNED, is_deleted INT UNSIGNED)

    Hidden or show nodes from subtree, explains as following:

    First call p_prefix_nodes_get_subtree_by_node_id(6) get a HARDWARE subtree,Second call p_prefix_nodes_delete_nodes(6, 0) to hidden subtree,Third call p_prefix_nodes_get_subtree_by_node_id(6) again get HARDWARE subtree, but this time the HARDWARE subtree was disappeared Fourth call p_prefix_nodes_delete_nodes(6, 1) show HARDWARE subtree


  • sql/tables.sql

    Create tables.

  • sql/sample_data.sql

    Some insert statements for testing