
Support for Django 2.1

sassanh opened this issue ยท 9 comments

Looking at the main page of the repo and considering it's been inactive for a while I'm wondering if django 2.1 will be supported or not.
Currently it's raising this exception when used with django 2.1b1:

Could not import 'rest_framework_filters.backends.DjangoFilterBackend' for API setting 'DEFAULT_FILTER_BACKENDS'. ImportError: cannot import name 'QUERY_TERMS'.

Also regarding this issue: #179 (comment) that led me to use drf-filters in a big project I'm wondering what's the state of this project. Are there any plans to release version 1?

Thanks for the great work so far.

Hi @sassanh. In short, I've been waiting for a few PRs to be merged into django-filter, and then the canonical 2.0 release. However, Carlton has been focusing on getting DRF 3.9 out the door and has held off on django-filter maintenance. Once those PRs are merged, I'll finish up the 1.0 milestone and get it released.

That said, I'll go ahead and do a little cleanup so that the master branch is at least compatible with the latest version of Django.

Ah... right. django-filters doesn't support Django 2.1b1 yet. That ImportError would be fixed in carltongibson/django-filter#921.

@rpkilby thanks for making things clear and for making master branch compatible with latest version of Django. It'll solve my problem as I need some new features in django 2.1 and am planning to upgrade to it as soon as it's released.

It turned out that the master branch was already compatible - the issue was just with django-filter. If you install the branch from carltongibson/django-filter#921, everything should work. I just ran the test suite against that branch, and all tests passed.

Great, thanks.

@carltongibson - thanks for getting 2.x out the door. Glad to finally see that released.

Now I have don't have an excuse for not finishing the 1.0 milestone ๐Ÿ˜„

I'm actively working on the 1.0 milestone today, but the master branch should now be Django 2.1 and django-filter 2.0 compatible. Let me know if you run into any issues.

Yeah the master branch is working for me. Thanks a lot. Looking forward for 1.0 version :-)