
no config file generated

dagbdagb opened this issue · 3 comments

dagb@gillette (11:21) ~ /var/lib/logitechmediaserver/cache/InstalledPlugins/Plugins/UPnPBridge/Bin/squeeze2upnp-x86-64 -i sb2upnp.xml -d all=debug
[11:22:31.819497] main:1756 Starting squeeze2upnp version: v1.42.0 (Nov 15 2020 @ 16:16:15)
[11:22:31.819591] main:1764

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ERROR LOADING CONFIG FILE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[11:22:31.872418] output_init:610 success loading FLAC encoder
[11:22:31.872462] register_alac:550 using alac to decode alc
[11:22:31.872622] load_mad:411 loaded
[11:22:31.872639] register_mad:433 using mad to decode mp3
[11:22:31.872778] load_faad:626 loaded
[11:22:31.872792] register_faad:647 using faad to decode aac
[11:22:31.873129] load_vorbis:325 loaded
[11:22:31.873153] register_vorbis:346 using vorbis to decode ogg
[11:22:31.873161] register_pcm:339 using pcm
[11:22:31.873176] load_flac:292 loaded
[11:22:31.873185] register_flac:313 using flac to decode flc
[11:22:31.873413] load_opus:265 loaded
[11:22:31.873426] register_opus:286 using opus to decode ops
[11:22:31.873433] register_m4a_thru:307 using mp4 to aac (ADTS)
[11:22:31.873439] register_flac_thru:247 using flac
[11:22:31.873445] register_thru:106 using thru
[11:22:31.873451] register_soxr:394 using soxr for resampling
[11:22:31.873459] Start:1519 Binding to
[11:22:51.001447] UpdateThread:1092 Presence checking
[11:22:52.001287] UpdateThread:1092 Presence checking
[11:22:53.274487] Stop:1541 stopping squeezelite devices ...
[11:22:53.274657] Stop:1545 terminate update thread ...
[11:22:53.274763] Stop:1550 terminate main thread ...
[11:22:53.274869] Stop:1554 stopping UPnP devices ...
[11:22:53.274880] Stop:1557 un-register libupnp callbacks ...
[11:22:53.274888] Stop:1559 end libupnp ...

dagb@gillette (11:22) ~ ls -l sb2upnp.xml
ls: cannot access 'sb2upnp.xml': No such file or directory

It's because no player is detected. Might be a firewall issue

JGoor commented

I have the same issue although I'm running from a Docker image. The ports 9000 and 3483 are mapped.
Any ideas? Do I need more ports and if yes - which one(s)?
I have a Cambridge Audio CXNV2 running as uPnP renderer.

Make sure your docker is in host mode, per documentation