FAAS service for LogProxy
bimalkm191 opened this issue · 4 comments
Request for a FAAS service that will be easy for implementation for LogProxy
@bimalkm191 can you provide a bit more context. I remember we talked about something, but documenting it here in the issue will help to pick it up, thanks.
Hello Andy. When I see the logproxy implementation from https://github.com/philips-software/logproxy , we have to do below steps, which is a bunch of work for us. If you provide all these as FAAS, then we can eliminate many setup from our side. We will simply use the FAAS and integrate with our iron.io
- Configure logproxy
- Get the code docker pull philipssoftware/logproxy
- Create a new micro service using the keys and binding to log proxy service
- Do we need a rabitmq service also?
- Cf push the micro service which will enable iron.io logs to push to Kibana
- Need help how iron.io config will use the proxy service?
Please let me know I can setup a meeting with further discussion
@bimalkm191 initial direct logging support is available in v0.10.0
of siderite. Some testing is required and an example function will be provided
This was implemented in v0.11.0
, closing