
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient provides database connectivity to SQL Server for .NET applications.

MIT LicenseMIT

Microsoft SqlClient Data Provider for SQL Server

Microsoft.Data.SqlClient is a data provider for Microsoft Sql Server. Currently in preview, it is a union of the two System.Data.SqlClient components which live independently in .NET Framework and .NET Core. Going forward, support for new SQL Server features will be implemented in Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.

The Microsoft.Data.SqlClient package supports .NET Framework 4.6+ (x64), .NET Core 2.1+, and .NET Standard 2.0+.

The current preview of this library has been released under a proprietary, closed source license. When the code is migrated to this repository, future releases from that code will be released under the MIT license.


The Microsoft.Data.SqlClient package is available on NuGet.org.

Release Notes

All release notes are available under release-notes.

Known issues

  1. When targeting .NET Framework and platform AnyCPU or x86, you may see a build warning about processor architecture mismatch:

    Warning There was a mismatch between the processor architecture of the project being built "MSIL" and the processor architecture of the reference "Microsoft.Data.SqlClient...

    This is because Microsoft.Data.SqlClient targeting .NET Framework contains a native code component and native components cannot target AnyCPU. Currently x64 is the only platform supported when targeting .NET Framework. To resolve the warning, change your application to target x64. This will be resolved in a future release.

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