
i want to generate a colorized shoe image using generator. what is the input node name to generator and output node name and their dimensions?

abhi96624 opened this issue · 3 comments

i want to generate a colorized shoe image using generator. what is the input node name to generator and output node name and their dimensions?

For Lua code, please refer to model testing in our Getting Started. You need to put your images in a directory. This is the line for model inference.

thnx @junyanz for such a fast reply :) , actually i was referring to the tensorflow port of this model by, i converted the above to pb file using output node as (deprocess_2/truediv - i am not sure if its correct output node) , when i inspected the model using tensorboard the generator(encoder and decoder layer looks good) but generator input node is a 'batch'(which itself contain 2 nodes batch/fifoqueueand batch/n) none of them is a placeholder and fifoqueue dimension is a list.
so i dont know how to infer (that is feed an input image into generator and get output image)
I am struck now , may be you can help :)

Thanks again for your help :)

I used the pretrained model - Edge2shoe

I see. Sorry that I am not familiar with the TensorFlow repo. Maybe you can post it on that repo.