
ECONNRESET when trying to create an index

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Perhaps this is the wrong place but I was looking for some help solving this problem while using this node library.

At this point I'm initializing my client with the default values elasticsearch normally uses so

options = {
  port: 9200,
  host: "localhost",
  pathPrefix: "test",
  secure: true

Now switching the secure flag to being a false value doesn't throw an error but does leave me with No handler found for uri [test/Test_Makes] and method [PUT] data. Frankly I have no idea what this means.

Basically my question(s) is/are, what does the secure flag here do when initializing my ES client? What does not having a handler mean there?

Again, sorry for polluting the issues with this question set. I tried scouring through the ElasticSearch API to make connections between this wrapper library and their API but alas came up empty handed.

Many Thanks.

Secure will cause the client to make all requests using HTTPS. If unset or set false, it will use HTTP.

This is likely only useful to you if you have an SSL proxy for elasticsearch.