
Unable to start a personal version of philomena

Silentmatten opened this issue · 8 comments

i've been attempting to start a version of this software and it keeps crashing at the same spot each time.

i'll admit i'm very new to this kind of stuff but i believe i was able to increase the amount of ram allocated to my WSL so i'm unaware if the issue i'm having is related to that or not. Was hoping posting the log here would help point out where i'm inputting something wrong.

If there's any insight on what i could try, i'd appreciate it. thank you!

Not sure, but try adding this to .cargo/config (if it doesn't exist, create it)

retry = 2                   # network retries
git-fetch-with-cli = true   # use the `git` executable for git

just to double check, add the .cargo/config to the philomena folder, right?

That's correct.

a follow up question, when i'm creating the file, i'm not able to add the / to the filename, so i might not be understanding what i'm supposed to do

Create a directory called .cargo in the repository root, and then add a file named config inside that directory

application was able to launch, so the first issue got resolved!

sadly, i got a new issue:
"ERROR 42P01 (undefined_table) relation "filters" does not exist"
there's a bunch of other information as well, if that's needed

That means database seeding was interrupted. Run docker-compose down, docker volume prune, and then docker-compose up again to destroy the database volumes and force a reseed.

that got it working, thank you! just gotta figure out how to increase the ram now and it'll work perfectly! but i can try to figure that out on my own