
Tag mentions

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Meow commented

Tag mentions

Basic concept (minimal implementation)

Ability to "mention" tags in posts, like #tag or #[tag with spaces], this would render as the normal "fancy" tag display similar to the tag on the image itself, with the +/- button and the image count, and of course the tag color. This would, of course, also make a link that leads to the /tags/:tagname route. This should also automatically resolve aliases and display the final tag name after all the aliasing shenanigans.

Possible expansions

  • Display implied tags in an extra dropdown near the tag. Note: is superceded by the next potential expansion
  • Dropdown upon hovering the tag which contains the tag short description, description and all the other data you'd gather by visiting the tag page
    • Potentially with distinct separate syntax like #!tagname / #![tagname]