
MXLogger 是基于mmap内存映射机制的跨平台日志库,支持AES CFB 128位加密,支持iOS Android Flutter。核心代码使用C/C++实现, Flutter端通过ffi调用,性能几乎与原生一致。 底层序列化使用Google开源的flat_buffers实现,高效稳定。

Primary LanguageDartBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

license Platform



MXLogger is a multi-platform collect logs library base on mmap. Support ios Android and Flutter。The core code use c/c++. Use the ffi call on the Flutter,Performance is almost identical to native. Data serialization uses Google's open source flat_buffers implementation, which is efficient and stable.




Currently, the MXLogger mainly solves log writing and log analysis problems.The log reporting time is determined by the service,The MXLogger has opened the log path. It needs to develop the file uploading code that calls the native platform and sends it to its own server。

Performance Test

Test environment

  • iphone11, System version 14.6

  • Each piece of data is about 134 bytes and loops for 100,000 times

  • Test 10 times and take an average

  • Setting Xcode Build Configuration is release


  • 0.13s

Log viewing

  • To parse the generated binary data, I wrote an accompanying parsing tool that you can viewmxlogger_analyzer,It looks something like this。 video link
  • you can input tag where search box for search tag attribute。name msg in a similar way。



  • If you're using a Mac you can just download the client。If you are using windows, you may need to configure the Flutter environment yourself, compile the source code for mxlogger_analyzer and package the exe file。
  • If your project is Project Flutter,you can dependencemxlogger_analyzer_lib

                    diskcachePath: _mxLogger.diskcachePath,
                    cryptKey: _mxLogger.cryptKey,
                    iv: _mxLogger.iv,
                    databasePath: "you database path")

It looks something like this video link




pod 'MXLogger'


implementation 'io.github.coder-dongjiayi:mxlogger:latest.release'


  flutter_mxlogger: ^last


Do not set the log storage directory in a directory that may be cleaned up by the system, such as library/cache in ios. MXLogger does not check whether the directory exists every time it writes data, but only creates it at startup. If the log files are cleaned up by the system while the app is running, The program does not report errors or flash back, but the log is not logged either

  • iOS

    MXLogger * logger =  [MXLogger initializeWithNamespace:@"com.youdomain.logger.space",storagePolicy:MXStoragePolicyYYYYMMDD];
    logger.maxDiskAge = 60*60*24*7; // a week
    logger.maxDiskSize = 1024 * 1024 * 10; // 10M
    logger.fileLevel = 0;// If the file write level is lower than this level, the log file will not be written to the file
    [logger debug:@"mxlogger" msg:@"this is debug" tag:@"network,action"];
    [logger info:@"mxlogger" msg:@"this is info" tag:@"request"];
    [logger warn:@"mxlogger" msg:@"this is warn" tag:@"step"];
    [logger error:@"mxlogger" msg:@"this is error" tag:@"action"];
    [logger fatal:@"mxlogger" msg:@"this is fatal" tag:@"reponse"];
  • Android

    MXLogger logger = new MXLogger(this.getContext(),"com.djy.mxlogger");
    logger.maxDiskAge = 60*60*24*7; // a week
    logger.maxDiskSize = 1024 * 1024 * 10; // 10M
    logger.debug("request","mxlogger","this is debug",tag:"tag1,tag2,tag3");
    logger.info("response","mxlogger","this is info");
    logger.warn("tag","mxlogger","this is warn");
    logger.error("404","mxlogger","this is error");
    logger.fatal("200","mxlogger","this is fatal");
  • Flutter

     MXLogger logger = await MXLogger.initialize(
            nameSpace: "flutter.mxlogger",
            storagePolicy: MXStoragePolicyType.yyyy_MM_dd,
            cryptKey: "abcuioqbsdguijlk",
            iv: "bccuioqbsdguijiv");
     logger.debug("this is debug ", name: "mxlogger", tag: "tag1,tag2,tag3");
     logger.info("this is info", name: "mxlogger", tag: "w");
     logger.warn("this is  warn", name: "mxlogger", tag: "w");
     logger.error("this is  error", name: "mxlogger", tag: "e");
     logger.fatal("this fatal", name: "mxlogger", tag: "f");