
Git hub added Organization Projects and this seems to have broken the bot

Omzig opened this issue · 8 comments

Omzig commented

None of the bot's features are working. It used to work. i cannot say exactly on when it stopped. maybe a week ago?

Is there a log or something that it outputs when it is having trouble?

We are in a private repo in an enterprise github subscription.


Omzig commented

I woke up this morning and created a task, and now the bot is working, did nothing....

Omzig commented

So now i have 1 repo that it is working in, and another repo that it is not working in.

Omzig commented

Notice, that my new issue did not obey the rule you have set in your project:


The bot failed to pick up my issue and move it into TODO.

Can you help @philschatz

The last time it worked, seems to be on record here:

Omzig commented

This site i found out has a way to expose if the bot is up:


Omzig commented

Notice this new issue, no project bot entries: #120

Omzig commented

Funny thing, it is working on pull requests:

Omzig commented

So check this out:


So it half way worked here, however today it didn't move to the In Process automation, failed here: