
reverse of 7z2hashcat would be nice for debugging/troubleshooting

philsmd opened this issue · 1 comments

I was thinking a little bit about what we could do with some request over here and on the hashcat git issue and forum that mention some hashes, but we do not have the original file of these hashes. Sometimes it is not that easy to "debug" the hash and see what is going on when users report a problem or mention that hashcat doesn't correclty handle/accept some hashes (or similar problems).

I was thinking if it would be possible, in theory, to add some reverse 7z2hashcat tool that can give us a valid 7-Zip (*.7z) file that we can open with any external tool that can read archives (ark, p7zip, 7z etc).

This would be great to directly see (also command line and GUI, if you prefer), what 7z or p7zip or similar would "say" about this information stored within the hash.

I would call this something like hc_to_7z, a lossy conversion is of course implied, because we do not store every bit of information in the 7z2hashcat output.

Thanks for considering this (stupid/strange) request !